Call 1-660-827-7446 for free quote

office 660-827-7446   •     fax 827-9937

Construct a Sandblasted Sign Home | Up
Here we are building a redwood sandblasted sign
   First we submit a design that the customer is pleased with

   Then once approved, we make a redwood blank by.... laminating 2x stock of conheart redwood, glue & dowelling all joints, sanding the surface smooth... then cutting to shape

   Then we apply a sandblasting stencil mask to the redwood blank, draw out our design on the stencil and start hand cutting out the design.

   Then we remove parts of the stencil to expose the wood to be sandblasted. We have the sandblasting done out of house. (its much cleaner to my shop!)


   Finally we apply acrylic paints to the sign so it will have the designed look and color.


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Call 1-660-827-7446 for free quote

30248 Rattlesnake Hill Rd.,   Smithton, Missouri 65350
